Live lecture online, radios, cds, publications, destruction, new address and a free audio perfume in self-defense against muzak!

Mixed news from recent months in swedish and english.

My house  

I have a new address

since the 1st of May, 2011.

The rest is still the same, except that there's only one phone number left where I respond: the mobile phone at +46 73 789 1402.


Short lecture (in english) and concert at TedX Botkyrka online

A 10 minutes lecture and PowerPoint-presentation with a camera on my forehead, trying to summarize my works as an instrument builder and my attitudes towards being a musician and a surrealist + a very short concert on the Platforms and the Brillolin.
To be seen online here, or embedded to the left:

Some of the spoken text and charts from the presentation can also be read here.

Surrealismens manifest Tutuola omslag


release för

söndag 22/5, 17-22
Hemliga trädgården, Midsommarkransen, Sthlm
Johannesbergsgatan 6

fb logo Facebook-event

Surrealismens mest grundläggande källtexter kom i två olika översättningar på 70-talet och har sedan länge varit utgångna och bara antikvariskt anträffbara. Nu görs de tillgängliga igen, med en omfattande revidering av översättningen, med kompletteringar, och med ett omfattande efterord som både sätter in dem i ett historiskt sammanhang, demonstrerar surrealismens kärna, och argumenterar för deras fortsatta relevans idag.

“Mitt liv i spökenas bush” är en annan typ av otillgänglig klassiker, som varit känd men oöversatt i Sverige. Samtidigt som Amos Tutuola varit en kultfavorit och det mest kända exemplet på modern västafrikansk berättarkonst, har bara "Palmvindrinkaren" och inte hans mest kända bok "My life in the bush of ghosts" blivit översatta. Ett mycket informativt efterord, och remarkabla illustrationer som inte eftersträvar någon lättköpt kongenialitet utan istället utmaningar och vidare?fantiserande helt i textens underliggande anda.

André Breton, Surrealismens manifest, fyra texter i översättning av Lars Fyhr, Elias Wraak, Mattias Forshage och Bruno Jacobs, revidering av översättningen och efterord av Mattias Forshage, omslag av Toyen

Amos Tutuola, Mitt liv i spökenas bush, roman, översättning och efterord av Niklas Nenzén, illustrationer och omslag av John Andersson

I den hemliga trädgården: Efterordsförfattarna presenterar böckerna, Jonas Enander läser ur Tutuola, Mattias Forshage läser opublicerade översättningar ur Bretons & Soupaults “Magnetfälten”, Emma Lundenmark läser klassisk svensk surrealistisk poesi av Ilmar Laaban, musik av Johannes Bergmark och en kollega, diskussion, specialpris på böcker (Programmet börjar kl 19).

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Destruction 2011! – surrealist exhibition with international contributions, and related events, in Istanbul, turkey.

(I performed with Mattias Forshage, among others, on the events 12-15 May, participated in the forum, in the film screening with Fish Soup and helped setting up the exhibition section of the Surrealist Group in Stockholm; pictures on the Destruction blog as well as on the Facebook event, more probably coming.)

12 May- 28 May 2011
Daily: 1: 00 - 7:00 p.m.
Closed on Monday

Opening: 12 May- 6.30 p.m.
Opening Performance: Tolga Tüzün, in front of the Destruction venue, on Akarsu street, 6 p.m.
After Party: 10 p.m. at Peyote
Supplementary Activities

Film-Video Screening: Destruction Frames at Ye?ilçam Sinemas
14 May 2011- 12:00 p.m.

Panel on International Living Surrealism at Depo
14 May 2011- 4.30 p.m.

Performance night: 15 May 2011 at Gram Kadköy
Forum: Destruction is being discussed- Frat Arapo?lu, Emre Zeytino?lu, Murat Germen, Burçak Konukman, Rafet Arslan / Depo 28 May 2011, 6: 30 p.m.
The rest is surprises, performances, street and life!


Selected photos by Johannes Bergmark and a colleague from the Surrealist Group in Stockholm, on the Yikim/Destruction 2011 event in May in Istanbul.
You can also go directly to the flickr set here.

suRRism Phonoethics Cover  

Downloadable/streamable celebration album of suRRism Phonoethics: Peak the Source - 'Volume 1-3' / sPE_0100

I have a piece there called Beware of Aesthetic Ethics with a Micro Moog drone which is influenced by sounds from my Platforms of amplified objects, recorded at SAMI studio in Stockholm 2009. Duration: 7'59. No editing. Listen to it directly here.
CONTRIBUTORS: (ALL APPEARANCES HAVE BEEN SHUFFLED into 3 Volumes) _blank, (D)(B)(H), 10Konekt, Ama, Andrew Howes, Anton Mobin, Apocalyptic Frequency Experience, Ben Presto, Berger Rond, Big Brother on Acid, Bonequi, Bryan Lewis Saunders, Carlos Ramirez, Catalyst Fantasy, Crank Sturgeon, Dada AG, Daniel Jeczalik, Darius Greene, DMAH, Dpress Hill, Dysmal Abyss, Earth Incubator, Ergo Phizmiz, Erick Diego, GoatCuntCult, God Pussy, GX Jupitter-Larsen, Hal McGee, Herr Penschuck, Hopek Quirin, Hyaena Fierling Reich, i AM esper, Ian Linter, Ideosynchronic, Imago Meccano, Inconnu Ictu, ION, Isak Anderssen, J Karl Bogartte & Jaan Patterson, Jack Hertz, Jared Balogh, Jean Montag, Jeff Gburek, Jeremy Gluck & Dave Fuglewicz, Johannes Bergmark, John 3:16, Jonas Ruchenhever, José Carlos Alonso Vazquez, Juan Antonio Nieto, John Clifford Rhody, Justin Lee Brown, K.O.B, Kalendar, Kommissar Hjuler, Kommissar Hjuler & Frau mit Jaan Patterson, Koobaatoo Asparagus, Kristus Kut, Krupnik, Kuuleminen Asiat, LARA a' Cappella, Lauris, Leif Elggren, Lezet, Ludo Mich, Luther Blissett, Lux P0g0, M.Mnomized, Macu, Matthew Sforcina, Mikhail Lezin, Mulinex, Murmurists, Mutant Beatniks, Mutate, Noise Research, noizeDemon, Nutrients, Olelé Brut, Ophir Ilzetzki, Otras Carpeta, Otto von Rhinau, Owl Brain Atlas, Pacific 231, PAS, Patrizia Oliva, Philippe Petit, Qkcofse, Radio Klebnikov, Rafal Iwanski, Ralf Rabendorn, Raymond Dijkstra, Reve Steich, Richard Lainhart, .RR, Runar Magnusson, Rune Martinsen, Sebastian Sighell, Seiei Jack, Sinus Buds, Spidey Agutter, Stalaktos, suRRism, Temple Music, Thamyris Jones & Jaan Patterson, The Curio Sideshow, The Distortion Mirrors, The Hare and The Moon, The Implicit Order, The Importance of Birds, The Noisettes, The Nothing Machine, The Panjandrum Of Quondam, Thee Virginal Brides, Thierry Tillier, Tobias Herzz Hallbauer, ToBo, Travis Johnson, Treillarmee, undRess Béton, Violence and the Sacred, Vladimír Hirsch, Wehwalt, Where Everything Falls Out, William Davison, Ymmv, Yoshihiro Kikuchi, Zacarias Malden, Zilmrah Zreen Toyz.

Sixty Seconds cd cover  

Cd: Sixty Interpretations of Sixty Seconds, by Sixty Solo Improvisors, Apprise Records.

A collection of solo improvisations sewn together back-to-back by sixty innovative, forward thinking musicians from all over the World. The compilation is made by David Sait in Brampton, ON, canada, with the concept “To hear how sixty different improvising musicians would interpret sixty seconds. Execution: I pose the question... How would you interpret sixty seconds through an improvisation? Your Answer would come in the version of a sixty second improvised recording on your instrument.”
My piece is recorded at EMS. I play a Platform (a single one, although I usually have two) with objects. No overdubs, no cuts, no treatments except slight compression.
Other contributors: Linsey Pollak - rubber glove bagpipes (AUTRALIA), Chas Smith - copper box (USA), Rachel Arnold - cello (USA), Fatima Miranda - voice/field recordings (SPAIN), Yuichi Onoue - kaisatsu (JAPAN), Todd Taylor - banjo (USA), Yurko Rafaliuk - tsymbaly (UKRAINE), Jeff Albert - trombone (USA), Laure Chailloux - accordion diatonique (FRANCE), Leon Gruenbaum - samchillian (USA), Leanid Narushevich - electric guitar (REPUBLIC OF BELARUS), Araz Salek - tar (CANADA), John Oswald - alto sax (CANADA), Christine Sehnaoui - alto sax (FRANCE), Susan Alcorn - pedal steel (USA), David Sait - guzheng (CANADA), Pekko Käppi - jouhikko (FINLAND), Andrea Centazzo - gong (USA), Misha Marks -prepared guitar (MEXICO), Joana Sá - piano (PORTUGAL), Martin Grütter - piano (GERMANY), Paul Dunmall - soprano sax (UK), Joe Sorbara - drums/percussion (CANADA), Kyle Bruckmann - oboe (USA), Damon Smith - field recordings/7 string double bass/laptop (USA), Lawrence Casserley - monoharp/breath/signal processor (UK), John Butcher - saxophone controlled feedback & piano resonator (UK), Tom Boram - analog modular synth (USA), Ignatz - guitar/voice/drum (BELGIUM), Helena Espvall - cello/effects (USA), Tim Hodgkinson - clarinet (UK), Beatrix Ward-Fernandez - theramin (UK), Christian Munthe - acoustic guitar (SWEDEN) , Mia Zabelka - violin/effects (AUSTRIA), Rayna Gellert - fiddle (USA), Tobias Tinker - harpsichord (GERMANY), Periklis Tsoukalas - oud (GREECE), Michael Keith - ukulele (CANADA), Szilárd Mezei - viola (SERBIA), Gino Robair - metal/glass/plastic/stone/motors (USA), Joe McPhee - alto sax/voice (USA), Michael Snow - piano (CANADA), Rob Coppard - bones (IRELAND), Philip Gibbs - slide guitar (UK), Aaron Ximm - field recording (broken radio) - USA, Philo Lenglet - prepared acoustic guitar (FRANCE), Carmel Raz - violin (USA), Ben Roberts Eclectiktronik - turntables/cassette decks (SPAIN), Helena Gough - field recording (UK), Leonel Kaplan - trumpet (ARGENTINA), Gerry McGoldrick - shamisen (CANADA), Ronny Krippner - Church Organ (UK), Alessandro Alessandroni - keyboard/whistling (ITALY), Olivia De Prato - violin (USA), Heribert Friedl - chair (AUSTRIA), Robin Hayward - microtonal tuba (GERMANY), Bruno Duplant - contre bass (FRANCE), Mike Smith - hurdy gurdy (UK), Paulo Chagas - oboe (PORTUGAL).
All the info on contributors here., and links to reviews by Musicworks, Signal to Noise, Jazzword, END (-) of WORLD (-) music, Stef's Free Jazz Blog, Spontaneous Combustion Magazine, Wholenote Magazine
More info, and some pieces can be heard here.
Listen and download from CD Baby.
Listen and download from emusic.

Finger Violin, Sound Symposium, St John's, NF 1996

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Crying Children played on the Composers' Radio

The old, but still really juicy, piece for Finger Violin, called Gråtande barn (Crying Children) was played as the first piece on FST:s podcast Composers' Radio on January 8, 2011. (About this particular show (and others in January) here.)
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Recension: Nicolas Collins

Boken (med dvd) Handmade Electronic Music, The Art of Hardware Hacking (2nd Ed., Routledge New York/London 2009) är nu recenserad för tidskriften Nutida Musik # 4 2010-11: ”Fågel eller fisk”. Rekommenderas (både boken och tidskriften alltså)!
Nu kan recensionen läsas här.

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Krönika: Musikåret 2010

Bloggen Sound Of Music bjöd in bl.a. mig att skriva kort om vad som var det musikaliskt viktigaste för mig under 2010.
Det gjorde jag här, på 2.805 tecken.
Men detta var en förkortning av min ursprungliga text på 22.298 tecken, som kan läsas här.

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Intervju i Ström

Jag och en kollega har intervjuats i P2 Ström som gick 13 april, om Mubil, den Elektroakustiska Skåpbilen, som hoppas på att fortsätta sina äventyr i år. Info om programmet här, (lyssning inte längre möjlig pga 30-dagarsregeln).

Muzak Blocker!

an audio perfume for self-defense

Commercial radio with “old favorites” (the assumed majority taste) fills the brain with poison as soon as you go outdoors, in cafés, shops and buses in order to block free thought. Long after the music has become silent, it bounces in the head through the nagging and the tyranny of involuntary recognition.

Manifesto of the Surrealist Group in Szczecin 2008

In an episode of the children's program Sesame Street, which I saw on tv as a child, Ernie and Bert have a noise war...
svensk flagga Till svensk version av denna text.

Previous press releases:

New exhibitions!
New things to read!

Contact and upcoming events.
The Welcome page.
Updated the 11th of June, 2015.