Pressrelease on the web here:

Three new publications announced at the same time!


1. Interview for Intertext online magazine

For the first time I explain the reasons for calling myself a surrealist and a skeptic at the same time, explaining my understanding of the two concepts, and talk about my experience of the surrealist movement, particularly the Stockholm and Szczecin groups, and answer questions about music, improvisation, politics, humor and formlessness, as well as the musical performance piece Singing Coffin, based on a friend's dream.
The english original can be read on my web site here: Krzysztof Gutfrański talks to Johannes Bergmark, Intertext, 2010.
If you prefer the polish version it is found here: Z Johannesem Bergmarkiem rozmawia Krzysztof Gutfrański, Intertext (slightly abridged by KG), 2010.


2. Is Music Abstract? (excerpt from the unpublished manuscript Surrealism and Music, ca 1990-2010), for the international surrealist journal Hydrolith: Surrealist Research & Investigations.

This book brings together in one volume some of the most exciting recent work from the international surrealist movement. With over 80 contributors from 17 countries around the world, the book contains drawings, paintings, games, comics, photographs, poetry, prose, theoretical and political writings on a huge variety of subjects, including special in-depth investigations of music, space and myth. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in the surrealist movement today.

More info, order a physical book or download for free (direct link on here) through Oyster Moon Press.
If you are in Stockholm and prefer to see the real book as well as other recent publications, come to the Surrealist book party, see below for info.
Den kan även beställas via Surrealistförlaget eller köpas direkt av surrealistgruppen i Stockholm för 100 SEK:

Table of Contents: Editors’ Note 5 Schlechter DUVALL: Untitled Drawing 6 Bertrand SCHMITT: The Lizard’s Cry 7 Mattias FORSHAGE: Surrealist Music? 12 SHIBEK: Emotional Entrapment of Sound and the Pleasures of Noise 18 Johannes BERGMARK: Is Music Abstract? 23 Kathleen FOX: Mind the Gap 24 Eric BRAGG: Download: an Incursion into Electronic Alchemy 31 Raúl HENAO: The Double 37 RIBITCH: Delta Blues 38 Emma LUNDENMARK: His Wife Judith 39 Robert GREEN: Washerwoman 41 Ronnie BURK: Selected Poems and Collages 42 Josie MALINOWSKI: The Pact 44 Eugenio CASTRO, Vicente GUTIÉRREZ ESCUDERO, Bruno JACOBS, Noé ORTEGA QUIJANO: The Daughters of Fishwives 46 INNER ISLAND SURREALIST GROUP: Surrealist Ferry Demands 51 Joël GAYRAUD: Rising Abyss 51 Allan GRAUBARD: The Daily News: Manhattan Scenes 52 Mattias FORSHAGE: Selected Poems 55 Guy GIRARD & Marie-Dominique MASSONI: The Right Place 59 APIO: Old Night Equinox 64 Eric BRAGG: The Experience of Exteriority around the Salton Sea 66 Frank ANTONSEN: Lines of Thought, Lines of Exploration 72 Erik BOHMAN & Mattias FORSHAGE: Towards the Solidification and Relativisation of Atopos Theory 73 Selected Images from The Common Place Game 79 Richard WAARA: Metamorphosis of a Moorish Nude Postcard 83 Dominic TÉTRAULT: Plural Formula of Language and Communicability 89 RIBITCH: Phantoms 91 Luís NAVARRO: Enchantment, Witchcraft, Trick: on the Destiny of Magic in the Age of Technology 93 Dale HOUSTMAN: Four Stories from “The Starlit Dog” 100 J.K. BOGARTTE: Selected Prose-poems from Wolfhouse and Images 104 Michael LÖWY: Ernst Bloch and Surrealism 111 Richard BURKE, Susan BURKE, Andrew TORCH: Exquisite Poem Raúl HENAO: Love Freedom Forever 116 CINSS [Ça?r Küçüksayraç]: Skiz 117 Miguel de CARVALHO: The House 118 SLAG: Ten Dreams 119 Niklas NENZÉN: Our Ladies of Sorrow 120 Sasha VLAD, Dan STANCIU, Iulian T?NASE: Jumah 123 John ANDERSSON: The Myth of Arion 127 Franklin ROSEMONT: Notes on the Legacy of Cthulhu 137 Niklas NENZÉN: Regarding Some Surrealist Embodiments in a Gnostic Thicket: on Language, Alienation and Mythopoesis 139 Michel ZIMBACCA: Sensuality: the Particular Wave 153 David NADEAU: Sidereal Geography 156 Paintings by John WELSON 158 Merl FLUIN: The Legendary Banquet 159 Stefan HAMMARÉN: Selection of Emma Poems 164 Rafet ARSLAN: Selected Poems 169 Vangelis KOUTALIS: Into the Forest of the Symbols 172 Richard BURKE, Susan BURKE & Andrew TORCH: If-Then Game Results 178 SHIBEK: Selected Poems and Images 179 Theoni TAMBAKI: Delirium from the East 182 Merl FLUIN: Selected Poems 183 Sotiris LIONTOS: Taedium Vitae 190 Emilio SANTIAGO: An Open Letter about the Bad Forecast: by Way of a Discourse on Desire before the Advent of Industrial Collapse 192 Wedgwood STEVENTON: Hunter and Hunted 200 Will ALEXANDER: Selected Prose-poems 201 Dominique PAUL: November (notes) 204 Josie MALINOWSKI: Hummhimmina’s Tuft 206 Alexandre FATTA: Assemblage 212 RIBITCH: Visions of Love In a Violent Sea 213 Jesús GARCA RODRGUEZ: The All-embracing Hologram: On the Theological and Symbolic Value of Money within Capitalism 214 Matt ROUNSVILLE: Oakland Rain 218 Kristoffer FLAMMARION: On the Statistics of Some Antarctic Dreams 219 Nikos STABAKIS: The Repetitions of Bilitis 223 Don LACOSS: Objective Chance: Bough, Limb, and Orange Claw Hammer 225 Juan Carlos OTAÑO: Global Chance 226 Lurdes MARTNEZ: Perforated Reality 227 Guy GIRARD: Coral Pure Wool 229 Josie MALINOWSKI: Letter to Mrs. 232 Surrealist Documents 233

Folkvett nr 4, 2009

3. Utbildar staten fortfarande Svenska Kyrkans präster?

[Abstract in english:]
Does the swedish state still educate priests for the Swedish Church? Since the swedish state and church (lutheran) were separated in 2000, and they were supposed to exit the universities and take care of their own confessional educations, the strategy of the Swedish Church has actually been successful of dictating their wishes for the contents and organization of the educations, still largely within the universities, and the official demands for scientificness have been suppressed in order to accept its needs. Other religious groups, especially christian ones, have been given almost free hands to create college educations in order to carry through their confessional staff educations as well, on the payroll of the tax payers. At the same time as hard critique has been coming from within state institutions in 2009, I took a look at the church's own motives and ask how the government will act: in favor of science or of faith?

Efter att stat och kyrka skildes åt har Svenska Kyrkans strategi att diktera villkoren för prästutbildningarna varit framgångsrik och vetenskapligheten har fått träda tillbaks för dess krav. Men även andra samfund, fr.a. kristna, har givits nästan fria händer att skapa högskoleutbildningar för att genomföra sin konfessionella personalutbildning på skattebetalarnas bekostnad. Samtidigt som Högskoleverkets granskning för ett år sedan, riktar jag sökarljuset på vilken färg regeringen ska bekänna. Ska universitet och högskolor främja vetenskap eller tro?

En kortare, mer kärnfull och lättläst version av nedanstående artikel publicerades för Folkvett nr 1, 2010, organ för föreningen Vetenskap och Folkbildning. Papperstidskriften kan beställas från VOF eller läsas på välsorterade bibliotek. Den ska också mycket snart publiceras för fri nedladdning på VOFs hemsida.
Föredrar man den långa, jobbiga, detaljerade originalversionen med fler utflikningar, kan den läsas på min hemsida här.
[Bilden föreställer numret innan.]

uppläsningar och tårta
lördagen 12 juni
kl. 15.00
hos Izzy Young
Folklore Centrum
Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 2

Organica Fläktrum
utgiven på Styx förlag

The Reality Binge Trick
utgiven på Head Louse Press

Hydrolith: Surrealist Research & Investigations
utgiven på Oyster Moon Press

Contact and upcoming events.
The Welcome page.
Updated the 12th of June, 2010.