Rising Towards the Light as seen from the floor. Filmed by © Fylkingen.
Rising Towards the Light, Acrobatic PerformanceUPP STIGA VI MOT LJUSET*
2 piano strings, 4 stirrups, 2 massive hooks, 1 balcony, 7 musicians, 2 assistants, 1 sound technician, 6 bows, 6 beaters, 8 contact mikes, 3 mixers, 1 security belt, 1 helmet, 1 pair of protective goggles, 1 security mattress, 1 lamp FB-event ![]()
But why not make an association with the inspiring and actual text, as long as capitalism reigns, the International, in this case the first verse (in the swedish version, roughly translated to english here):
“Up, slaves of all nations (...) Slave, rise to conquer your freedom. From darkness we walk towards the light, from nothingness we want to become everything.” The rest of the swedish text here, please note also the revolutionary defeatism expressed as “we shoot our generals and sing the praise of brotherhood”, which was taken away by the social democratic leader Branting because of the party's nationalistic betrayal, and the atheist solidarity: “In the height we don't salute the savior, no gods, nor princes stand on our side. No, we want to save ourselves and through unity will our salvation be made.”
“Upp trälar uti alla stater (...) Slav stig upp för att slå dig fri. Från mörkret stiga vi mot ljuset, från intet allt vi vilja bli.”
“vi skjuter våra generaler och sjunger broderskapets sång” vilken ströks av Branting pga socialdemokratins nationalistiska svek, och den ateistiska solidariteten: “I höjden räddarn vi ej hälsa, ej gudar, furstar stå oss bi. Nej, själva vilja vi oss frälsa och samfälld skall vår räddning bli.”
![]() INSTRUCTIONS Fylkingen 2011-12-10 String musicians: Sören Runolf, Lise-Lotte Norelius, Robin McGinley, Katt Hernandez 1 (2) on balcony Katt 1 (2) on the floor by the wall L-L 2 following me while climbing, playing string parts between hands and feet Sören, Robin 1. - Long bowed strokes 2. - Irregular but scarse beats 3. - Short ad lib solo on a string section (the rest playing long bowed strokes) - Back to 1. etc., next soloist following the circle. Timing is made spontaneously by listening, ca 20-40 sek per section Assistant 1.: Johan Lindvall - Pulling security rope to keep it stretched as I approach the balcony Assistant 2. (could possibly be one of the central string musicians): Sybrig Dokter - Following after with the mixer with the cables from the stirrups, keeping out of trouble Assistant 3.: Joakim Roséen - Sound technician checking: 1-2 String ends on the floor hooks 1-2 (from the box) Mixer with Stirrups' mikes 3-4 (from the box) String ends on the balcony - Lamp (all else is black) - Sound recording Assistant 4.: Pelle Sacklén, Jocke R, Magnus Johansson, unknown - Filming |
Sören and Robin playing
Sören and Robin playing
Sybrig following with the mixer
Sören playing
Reaching the light, and Katt
Contemplating with the audience afterwards. Pictures © by Denis Romanovski.