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Sten För Fan poster by Geiger 2014

Sten Hanson's Toothpick

Play Sten Hanson's Toothpick (version with voice).

Play Sten Hanson's Toothpick (version without voice).

Text-Sound Composition by Johannes Bergmark

Duration: 4'19
Recorded at EMS 2014.

All sounds (except my voice) come from Sten Hanson's toothpick.
I made one recording with voice and one without.

The text is:

The last words of Alfred Jarry, the inventor of King Ubu and Doctor Faustroll, were "bring me a toothpick." I don't know what the last words of Sten Hanson were, but in the early sixties, he used a toothpick as a tool to manipulate a tape recorder to be able to record several layers of voice on top of each other. In this piece, we will hear his toothpick sing its own song.

Sten Hanson's Toothpick performed as a live piece at Geiger 2014 First performance as a live piece at Geiger's Sten För Fan Festival 2014-09-27.

S.Hanson A picture of SH from the first performance of his Kinderspiele.
or here.
from Jibbolii, Fylkingen's 70 years anniversary 2003.

Here is an english-speaking interview I made with Sten Hanson two years before he passed away. It's mostly about the emergence of text-sound composition in the Fylkingen “language group” and some about his collaboration with Henri Chopin:
[On youtube as well as vimeo, whichever you prefer.]

The Text-Sound Art Pioneers in Fylkingen 1963 until today! (the full-length text), for the site Ballongmagasinet / Helium #3, 2001.

Updated the 7th of January, 2015.