Patricide 7 DVD

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Patricide 7 - SURRINEMA - Beyond Cinema

dvd with magazine, Dark Windows Press 2014

A fully illustrated book of 150 pages, including a DVD with 117 minutes of short films.

The book includes Jan Švankmajer’s Decalogue plus an extract from the working script from his forthcoming film Insects (2015). It also has Krzysztof Fijalkowski on the cinemas of Serbian Surrealism, Stella Keen on the work of Jeff Keen, Michael O’Pray on David Lynch & Dread and Jan Švankmajer & Archimboldo (two separate articles), Michael Richardson on André Delvaux and Richard Misiano Genovese on Georges Franju. These articles alternate with film scripts by Edward Knight, John Welson, Desmond Morris, Rafet Arslan and Jan Švankmajer as well as images, poems and prose from other writers and artists.

The DVD features films by Jeff Keen, Ian Walker, Neil Coombs, Kathleen Fox (with sound by Johannes Bergmark), Renay Kerkman, Darren Thomas and Tony Convey.

Limited to 200 copies.

150 pages with DVD Video, fully illustrated in black & white.
RRP #15.00 ISBN 978-1-909769-06-9

Dark Windows Press closed down after this publication, but you can still see the November and December Newsletter.

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Updated the 13th of March, 2015.