The album
on cassette and online release on the polish label Pawlacz Perski 2015.
Sound sample:
Arszyn / Duda: Automata:
Krzysztof Topolski - no input mixer
Tomasz Duda - sax
Podwodne Zabawy
Johannes Bergmark - platform for amplified objects
Krzysztof Topolski - electronics
Tomasz Duda - sax
Gosia Kęsicka - oboe
Duet 1
Per-Åke Holmlander - tuba
Tomasz Duda - sax
Krzysztof Topolski - drums, percussion, electronics, buchla 200, monotron
Tomasz Duda - sax
Johannes Bergmark - platform for amplified objects
Per-Åke Holmlander - tuba
Joanna Duda - piano, wurlitzer piano, voice
Krzysztof Topolski - drums, percussion, electronics, buchla 200
Tomasz Duda - sax
Johannes Bergmark - platform for amplified objects
Tomasz Duda - sax
Krzysztof Topolski - percussion
Krzysztof Topolski - no input mixer, field recording
Per-Åke Holmlander - tuba
Recorded at Electronic Music Studio, Stockholm, sweden, February 2013 by Tomasz Duda, Per-Åke Holmlander and Johannes Bergmark
Engineered by Tomasz Duda
Additional recordings and overdubs by Joanna Duda, Gosia Kęsicka and Krzysztof Topolski in Warsaw and Gdańsk 2013/2014
Cluster and Host voice recordings by corsica_s taken from
Edited and composed by Krzysztof Topolski and Tomasz Duda
Mixed and mastered by Tomasz Duda at Nagrywex, Otwock, Poland, 2014
Electronic Music Studio recording session was made possible by Polish Institute in Stockholm